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How To Create A Vision That Inspires

For some leaders and aspiring leaders, this Fundamental is daunting. Whether Seeing the Future energizes you or terrifies you, it will be this ability that allows you to enter the ranks of true leadership. If you’ve read anything about leadership, you’ll know this picture of the future is often referred to as vision. Vision is more than an indispensable ingredient for effective leadership; it is the cornerstone.

Ten Tips for Brilliant Brainstorming

In "Uncommon Greatness," Mark lays out the five fundamentals that will transform your leadership. One of them involves thinking differently, and part of thinking differently is carving out time as an individual and a team to come up with new ideas. Brainstorming as a team can be frustrating or fruitful, depending on how you approach it. To help you get started, we created "Ten Tips for Brilliant Brainstorming" to get the most out of your time coming up with new ideas as a team. Download it for free today!

Become a Better Leader

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Smart Leadership

Have you ever wondered what it would take to be a better leader, achieve your wildest dreams, or make a bigger difference in the world? The answer lies in the choices you make: about everything from how you spend your time to the way you view the world. In Smart Leadership, you will uncover the four research-based “smart choices” the best leaders make to scale their influence and results.

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Improve Team Performance

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Talent Magnet

There is a long-standing truth in the world of organizations: talent wins! More than vision, strategy, creativity, marketing, finance, or even technology, it is ultimately people that determine organizational success. That’s why virtually every organization wants more top talent.

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The Secret of Teams

Teams are critical to the success of every organization. But what separates the teams that really deliver from the ones that simply spin their wheels? What is the secret of high-performance teams? Mark Miller uses a compelling business fable to reveal profound yet easily grasped truths that can dramatically transform any organization.

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Strengthen Your Organization

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Culture Rules

After completing a global study with more than 6,000 participants from ten countries, Mark Miller and his team have exposed the most predominant fissures and their fixes. Culture Rules makes the case for why leaders should invest their time and energy on building culture and gives them three simple, actionable rules they must play by if they want to stay in the game and win!

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Chess Not Checkers

In Chess Not Checkers, adapting strategies from the game of chess, Mark Miller reveals four essential moves all high-performance organizations make. They bet on leadership, act as one, win the heart, and excel at execution. Chess Not Checkers is an accessible and easily applied guide to help leaders elevate their own leadership and the performance of their team.

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Accelerate Your Success

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